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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Officially a member

So, I was officially accepted into the BookSneeze review circle and have requested my first book to review.

It is on it's way...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Let us see how this goes

So, I started this blog because it sounded interesting to me at the time. But, being Mr. A.D.D as my wife calls me, I never returned to add subsequent postings.

Speaking with my son Evan today via Skype on the iPhone (he is in Indonesia as a Teacher, Parent and Husband), he pointed out a new website he had discovered:

which he then subsequently quietly cajoled me into joining. I do read a lot, encourage my children to do so and have a daughter who reads voraciously (Amazon Kindle anyone?).

So I joined. We shall see how this turns out!
